Air Pollution. Pollution Of Air & Water: Composition of Air - Gaseous & Particle Form of Impurity -
Air Pollution.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide. Release oxygen. Cutting of trees. Burning of wood. Burning of fossil fuels. Smoke released from factories and industries. Smoke released from vehicles. Due to. cutting of trees. burning of wood. burning of fossil fuels. smoke released from factories and industries. smoke released from vehicles. our air is getting polluted. Due to air pollution, human beings suffer from a number of diseases like. Asthma. Bronchitis. Cancer. Skin diseases. Air pollution also affects the growth of plants. Air pollution causes damage to our beautiful historical monuments. To reduce pollution, we should take some preventive measures. Some preventive measures to reduce air pollution and its effects. Plant more trees. Avoid bursting firecrackers. Make more use of public transport. Service your vehicles regularly. Factories and power plants should be set up far from residential areas to reduce air pollution.
Hello Students,
Today we are going to read something about Our Environment,Like, we will just have a look how it was before many years? And how it has change dramatically? What are the reasons of this change? What are the effects of this change? And what can be a future if we don't takecertain important steps to change this today. Okay? So, our future can be in dark. So, today we are going to read the chapterPollution, And pollution of what? So, Pollution of Air and Water. Okay? So, like you know before starting the chapter. This, I would like to talk about the thingswhich is very important for us. Everybody. Irrespective of you, me your friends, yourparents, your teacher for everyone. What is the thing, which is of most importance? So, you know just think of that. It can be food, it can be may be you know,when I asked this question to some children they say mobile phones. So, they can't survive without mobile phones. Someone says maybe laptops, maybe television,maybe you know some sports. But you know these all are very, I shouldsay you know, materialistic things. Which do not have any importance. When I talk about survival. Okay? A survival. What are the thing which is of utmost importantfor human survival. For the survival of life on the surface ofthe earth. If we say food. Three things I can say. Okay? I can say food. But, you know if I say food, I can live withoutfood for at least two to three days. And you know we know some people in some particularreligion like Jainism.
They often keep fast and they do not eat foreven you know 16 or days and maybe for one month. They don't eat in the evenings also. Not at all nothing. That means they can live, they can survivefor one month. So, I can't say that food is of at most importance. Okay? It is important. But not so important. So, what can be the second thing? I can write water. Without water, see from last two hours I havenot had water. Okay? So, I have not drunk water. So, from last two hours I am without water. Not a big deal, like we can be without watersay for one day a whole day. So we should thing for something else. So now I can write AIR. Just imagine Air. So important! Just try to be without air for few minutes. Okay? Few minutes also we can't survive. Just leave the, you know one or two exceptionalcases. The one who is very expert in yoga and stoppingand having a good control over their breath, over the you know inhaling and exhaling. I will leave apart of some you know the goodswimmers you know who can stop inhaling and exhaling for long period. But in general for common people if we talkabout air.
You know and a very calm and peaceful life. Just you know now if we talk about, lot ofhonking, and only concrete buildings are there. And you know when I am saying you that youplease ask your parents. How their environment was? Now I will ask you to please have a look,just try to recollect what kind of environment or climate was,When you used to be very small. Okay? What are the changes which you can see aroundyour house, your place, your school. Now, and what it was before say ten yearsor say five years. Okay? So, if you try to recollect it,You will find that numbers of buildings has increased. Okay? Number of concretes have increased. The number of trees has decreased. Okay? The number of birds has decreased and theyou know the natural things have totally you know it is getting reduced. Now, what has been increased? Our signals, the vehicles just few more comparisonwe will talk about. I just want you to imagine if you have goneto a village It's very good. Or just imagine a life in village and a lifeof city. Just try to compare the both. What is the life in cities and how is thelife in villages? Lot of difference. You will find plenty, N number of trees inthere which is totally missing in cities. You will find lot of concrete buildings, lotof signals, vehicles honking sound, lot of sounds.
But all this is not there in the village. Or you know to make it more simpler just carrycompare the traffic and particular hours, Say in the morning and in the evening andat the night and in the afternoon. There also you will find difference. Just you, yourself compare it... When it is more, when it is less. Okay? Now, if we try to compare all this things. Okay? When we try to keep ourselves in this position. Please also check, that where you feel morecomfortable? Where you feel, like in which situation youlike to hear lots of horns or you find yourself to be you know very peaceful condition, whenyou are you know sitting under a tree. In a cool breeze. So, what you enjoy? What is more peaceful for you? Okay? Now, we just have a look about,You know in our atmosphere the amount of air, the percentage of air is almost fixed. If I say it is 78 percent of nitrogen I amtalking approx, It is nitrogen and say 21 percent of oxygen. And say 1 percent of other gasses. Okay? What are the other gasses? May be carbon dioxide, may be argon. Okay? Maybe like many other gasses. What are the gasses are there when the watervapor I should write. So, in this one percent lot many gasses arethere. But when we talk about the most part of theatmosphere is covered by like which gas do we have? We have nitrogen, 21 percent of oxygen ispresent around us. Okay? Like, the composition of air is almost, Iam again saying almost approx fixed. Okay? But then what is happening? What is been added? What is been added in the air? And what is happening? Okay? So, when I talk, when I say the contaminationof air by some unwanted and harmful substances. Okay? The contamination of air by some unwantedand harmful substances.
What it is? It is known as what? POLLUTION. Okay? What is pollution? The contaminationWhat is the meaning of contamination? To contaminate. Okay? To like you know when something is added whichis not at all useful for us, Rather it is unwanted. What it is ?Unwanted as well as harmful. Okay? See what I am talking,Around us air is present the composition of air is almost fixed. We have certain gasses in that. The amount of those gasses are fixed. Okay? When the amount of these gasses are fixedand remains in the same condition. Then there is no danger. There is no problem. Okay? Are you clear? When does the problem arrives? When does the problem comes? The problem comes when there is change inthis composition When there is change in this natural atmosphere. And how does this change happens? What get added? Some unwanted and harmful substances or materials. Okay? Particles, it get added to the atmosphere. And this contamination is known as pollution. Okay? This is known as pollution. See, the contamination of air by some unwantedand harmful substances. It cause only air pollution.
If I talk about pollution, normal pollution. What can be the normal pollution? The contamination of, whatever we are talkingabout. Okay? So the contamination of a particular thing. Okay? Or when the harmful or unwanted substanceget mixed up with the pure substance,. Then the thing is said to be polluted. Okay? So here we are talking about air pollution. Okay. Now what are the things which pollute theair? Okay? So I will say the things which pollutes theair is known as pollutants. Okay? This is what? Pollution. Now, we will keep this definition till thetime we are going to, we will get very clear with this. Okay? So, the contamination of air with certainharmful and unwanted substances is known as what pollution? Air pollution. Okay? Now, the substance which pollutes the airare called as what? Pollutants! Okay?the substance which pollutes the air are called as what? Pollutants! What is the meaning of pollutants.
The things which are responsible for creatingthis pollution, the substances the particles which are responsible for this pollution areknown as what? Pollutants. Okay? The substances which pollutes, very simpleit is. Okay? See, whenever any unwanted or harmful thingcomes into a pure thing it gets pollute. Okay? And the things which are responsible to polluteare known as what? Pollutants. So the substance which pollutes the air arecalled as pollutants. Now see these pollutants can be of two types. Okay? Like we can say these pollutants can be intwo forms. Okay?In two forms. So what are the forms? First of all it can be in the gaseous form. Okay? These pollutants can be in the gaseous form. Now, just try to recall all the gaseous whichyou know. Okay? And always remember when these gases burn. Okay? When these gases burn they produce their oxide. Say for example if we talk about carbon. We have read this in metals and non metals. When carbon is burning. Burning means it is going to react with oxygen. So it going to produce carbon dioxide. Sulfur, when sulfur reacts with oxygen, itis going to produce what? Sulfur di oxide. Yes, it is going to produce sulfur dioxide. That means whenever the gases are reactingwith oxygen means what? It is burning so whenever they are burning,they are producing oxides. These gases when burns they produce oxides. And you know these oxides are the real villains.
These are the real villains. These are very harmful for us. Now, see carbon is useful for us. Oxygen is useful for us. But when these reacts and the oxide is formed. So what is formed? Carbon dioxide is formed. Okay? Carbon dioxide is the pollutant. Can we say this? We will read it in the further chapter. Okay? So, first of all I will write the names offew gases which act as pollutants. Which is responsible for polluting the atmosphere. Like carbon dioxide,Okay? Like sulfur dioxide,Just now I have said always remember. The oxides are very harmful. So, whatever when we talk about oxides like,now say carbon mono oxide. Again very harmful. Okay? Now, nitrogen dioxide. Okay? Again very harmful. Now, just have a look. Carbon di oxide. What is the formula. CO2, sulfur di oxide SO2,Carbon mono oxide CO, Nitrogen oxide NO2. What can be the moreI can write few more gases over here. Like it can be hydrogen sulfide, it is H2S. Okay? Hydrogen sulfide, it is H2S. I can even write methane. Okay? What is the formula for methane? It is CH4. It is not visibleJust one minute. What is the formula for methane? It is CH4. So many gases and all these gases are responsiblefor creating pollution. For spreading pollution. So these are what? See I told you whatever is spreading pollution,whatever is contaminating.
Okay? The substance which pollutes the air are pollutants. So these are what? Pollutants. Okay? Pollutants can be in two forms. First form is what gaseous form. And second form is what? Particulate form. Okay Now, we just have a look upon this gases. What are the gases? Carbon di oxide, sulfur di oxide, carbon monooxide, nitrogen di oxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane. So many gases are there and all these gasesare responsible for what? Spreading pollution! And so these are what? Pollutants. Okay? Now, the second form I am going to talk aboutis particulate form. Now, what is the meaning of particulate form? Now, these pollutants. Okay? These pollutants, they are present in theform of the, Okay? These pollutants are present in the form ofsuspended particles or particles. In the form of the, I can even write you knowtiny particles. I can write what? Tiny particles. Please try to understand here particulate formmeans what? The particle, see atmosphere is there. Okay? In this atmosphere like what I am saying? This atmosphere is getting polluted? Okay? What is polluting it? The things which are polluting the atmosphereis known as what? Pollutants. Okay? These pollutants, okay? These pollutants can be in two form. In the gaseous form. Okay? All the gases which just now we have discussed.
And the second form is these pollutants aretiny, small small particles. Okay? Small small particles. And so it is also known as suspended. It is also known as suspended particulate. Okay? It is known as suspended particulate matter. What is known as? It is known as suspended particulate matter. Or SPM. Okay? Now, what are these? These are also what? Pollutants. But these are present in the form of smallparticles. Now see when I am rubbing the blackboard. Okay? Very often I just turn my face like this,you know like I have to close my eyes sometimes. Why? When I write more what is happening? Just you can see the dust particles are movingaround. See you can see it. Okay? The dust particles are moving around. So what is this? This is again what? See you can see some flying in the air also. Okay? So what are these? These are pollutants. So you can find this whenever I rub the blackboardI just have to see like this side. Or I have to look that side like some oppositeside. So, why these particles is a very very tinytiny particles. Which get mixed up with atmosphere. They fly along with the, they mixed up withthe gases. Okay? So hope you understood this thing. The atmosphere around us it is made up of gases. We all know gases. What are the gases present in the atmosphere? Oxygen, nitrogen. Okay? Then what? Even the chlorine, bromine all the,Bromine is a liquid sorry. Okay? So what are the gases like carbon,So this thing nitrogen is the gas. All these gases are present. Okay? So when this burns what is happening oxidesare formed. Oxides are what? It is very dangerous for the atmosphere becauseit is acting as a pollutant. Okay. Now particulate form is also what? It is second form. Okay? So, now what is happening actually? Now, which kinds of particles are there inthe atmosphere. Which particles get mixed up with the atmosphere. So I will just write few. Like smoke. Okay? Smog.
What is this? It is, I will explain you somewhere in thechapter. Just for now I will write smog. Okay? Dust particles. Okay? Dust particles. Sand particles. Okay? Then may be cement dust. Okay? Maybe stone dust. Okay? Like many more many particles are there. When we talk about particulate forms. What is this? You all small particles. They become the part of the what? Atmosphere. And they create air pollution. And these are creating what? Pollution. In which way? They become the part of what? Atmosphere. So all these, what? This as well as this part. Both the parts. They combine and they, what they do? They pollute the atmosphere. For this in writing,The blackboard is totally filled. Just imagine when they come? They created like they are in the form. Okay? They are present in the atmosphere. How much pollution this will be creating. Okay? So now we will just read, we just study likewhat can be the different sources? From where this pollution like. What are the things? From where these things get produce. Okay? There must be something from all that thingsare coming. Okay? So, we are going to study about that. Just a quick recap. What we are studying today? We are studying about the air pollution.
Air is very important for us. We can't even live for two you know the normalperson I am talking about, Not more than two or four odd minutes. Okay? Now, whenever the air get contaminate. Because of what? Something which is very harmful or unwanted. This is unwanted. Who wants this. We don't want this. And all these are harmful also. So what is this. Whenever the air get contaminated due to someunwanted and harmful substances. The pollution is created. Okay? The one who creates pollution are what? Pollutants. Now these pollutants can be of two forms. Gaseous and particulate form. All the gases which you can remember. Try to burn them. We have read metals and non metals just trydo this reaction in your mind only. We have read that when this reacts,When the thing burn. What will be form. Oxides will be form. So all oxides. Carbon di oxide, sulfur di oxide, carbon monooxide, nitrogen oxide. Okay? All these are very harmful along with this. Hydrogen sulfide, methane all these are alsovery harmful. But these are present in what? Gaseous formOkay? Now, like along with this certain particlesare present which becomes the part of the atmosphere. Which is known as suspended particulate matter,SPM. Okay? And it can be smoke, smog, dust particles,sand particles, cement dust, stone dust you know even I can write over here. Hydro carbons. The leftover of the hydro carbons. So, even this can be the major source, theseare the major pollutants. Okay? Now what we are going to read? Now we will be reading about the sources dueto which all these pollutants are created. Okay?
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