President Barack Obama Cartoon! Educational Cartoons for Students (Barack Obama)
President Barack Obama Cartoon! Educational Cartoons for Students (Barack Obama)
what up it's time for a little fun withlearning and right now I got some fun facts about the 44th President of theUnited States of America Barack Obama okay okay let's get this party startednow if you don't know a lot about President Barack Obama don't tripbecause I got you for starters telling you a little bit about his life and whathe did Barack Obama was born on August 4th 1961 in Honolulu Hawaiia funny thing about Barack Obama growing up was that Barack Obama is actually ajunior that's right Barack Obama's father was Barack Obama and his mother'sname was Ann Dunham now like many kids you may know Barack Obama's parentsdidn't stay together and they eventually got divorced at March 1964 now who likesto travel I sure do and Barack Obama at an early age got a chance to visitIndonesia with his mom later on he ended up moving back to Honolulu Hawaii wherehe stayed with his grandparents growing up now you never know what can happen inschool and Barack Obama had a good education that's rightBarack Obama went to Harvard Law School in 1988 about a year later he joined theChicago law firm Sidley Austin and hooked up with another associate thereby the name of Michelle Robinson and if Michelle rings a bellMichelle Robinson today is Michelle Obama his wife after law school BarackObama went to Chicago Illinois to be a civil rights lawyer it was there that hewas also a teacher teaching constitutional law at the University ofChicago Law School and on October 3rd 1992 Barack Obama married MichelleRobinson to make her Michelle Obama now to be a president you have to be good atpolitics and this is where Barack Obama entered the world of politics in 1996becoming an Illinois State Senator after that in 2004 he won another electionwhere he became a United state senator he also beat Senator JohnMcCain in the presidential election to become the 44th President of the UnitedStates not only did he become the 44th President of the United States but healso brought pride to many African Americans throughout the country bybecoming the first African American president not only is he a coolpresident but he's a cool dad too with his two daughters Sasha and Malia so Ihope you enjoyed those fun facts about Barack Obama
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